Oldham County

Oldham County, website

Oldham County in Texas uses area code 806. This page is a phonebook directory where you will find the physical address and contact information of the most relevant government offices in Oldham County, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.

Sheriff’s Office

P. O. Box 452
Vega, Texas 79092
Phone: (806) 267-2162

Police Department

900 East Main Street
Vega, Texas 79092

Phone: (806) 267-2144

Fax: (806) 267-0504

222nd District Court

P. O. Box 360, Vega, TX 79092

Phone: (806) 267-2667

County Clerk

P. O. Box 360
Vega, Texas 79092
Phone: (806) 267-2667


P. O. Box 571
Vega, TX 79092
Phone: (806) 267-2329

Health Department

6302 Iola Avenue, Lubbock, Texas 79424

Phone: (806) 783-6448

Oldham County Jail

P. O. Box 452
Vega, Texas 79092
Phone: (806) 267-2162

Emergency Management

901 Davis Street
Vega, Texas 79092

Phone: (806) 267-2245

Human Services Department

4601 W. Guadalupe St.
Austin, TX 78751-3146

Phone: (512) 424-6500

Adrian Volunteer Fire Department

5th and Walnut

Adrian, TX 79001

Phone: (806) 538-6223

Vega Volunteer Fire & Rescue

901 Davis St.

Vega, TX 79092

Phone: (806) 267-2245

Extension Education

122 South Main Street
Vega, TX 79092

Phone:  (806) 267-2692

Fax: (806) 267-0117